Site icon This Side of Heaven

My Calling


You may have visited my last blog site, In the Heavenly Places. I moved to WordPress because it is user-friendly and I needed a change for the better. I hope you enjoy this site and maybe even learn something!

It’s a cold morning here in Ohio and I am tired today. Like many of you, this is going to be a busy day. I teach biology and anatomy, and today I have both classes plus a Bible study to teach. I teach homeschooled students, so we meet in places like the library and church. I have small classes and my students are eager to learn. We can be relaxed and casual and go the pace that is needed for each student.

I have a biology degree which focused on the pre-med route. I never made it to Medical school, but I am not upset about that. I had a college professor who wanted me to become a teacher. I had NO desire to do that in college. It wasn’t until I had 4 and 6-year-olds, that I decided to homeschool. Shortly after that, the Lord called me to teach women’s Bible studies. I realized how much I loved to teach.

Whether it is biology or the Bible, I see our Creator in it. I love teaching; it is my passion! I hardly feel as though I know it all. Actually, I feel as though I know very little sometimes. But I seek God’s wisdom in everything. He knows it all. All we have to do is ask. He gives wisdom freely.

So, if you are reading this, let me know what you would like to read on this blog. How can I pray for you and encourage you? What questions can I help answer or what subjects can I research for you?

Did I tell you I love researching things? Instead of becoming a doctor, I went into medical research. These days I research scripture, the biblical languages, and spiritual and physical health. (But that is for another blog)

Have a great day and know that the Creator of the Universe loves YOU and knows your name.


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