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Does Anyone Read the Bible anymore?

I admit at times I am too passionate about Bible study.

The last thing I want to do is turn people off towards opening their Bibles. But, I see a trend in churches, (especially those that are not Southern Baptist; I am not Southern Baptist but they are known for their deep love of Bible study.) there seem to be more book clubs than Bible studies. Meaning, they get together and read a lot of books Christians write on what the Bible says instead of reading the Bible together.

I love to read and read many of these same books on my own time. I feel when we get together in the church, we should be reading the Bible more than any other book.

Almost twenty- years ago, the Lord called me to be a Bible teacher.

I devoured every Bible study I could get my hands on to understand God’s Word better. One year for my birthday, my husband bought me Bible software to make my research easier. I loved it. It is my third program (Logos 7) which I use all the time.

God made me for research. He made me to study and learn and to teach anyone who listens for more than a minute.

I love to teach, really I do.

My husband is often my unwilling student.

Everything I learn, he learns…

If he doesn’t have time, then my kids have to listen. And I will gladly follow them around so they don’t have to sit and hear me out.

But, back to the Bible.

I think the church really wants to make it easy for everyone. But, sometimes, by putting scripture on a power point it can cause some people to become lazy. Hebrews 5:11-14  warns us about becoming lazy or dull of hearing. We don’t need to take our Bibles to a Sunday morning service anymore.

If we don’t open our Bibles at church, why should we open them at home?

 I have been teaching a study on the Parables of Jesus. The only book we use is the Bible. Yet, there are those who do not bring their Bibles to a Bible study.

I know churches where you could never take your Bible and it would not matter. We are becoming Bible illiterate and it saddens me.

 Our lack of biblical knowledge, both in our heads and hearts is clear by the state of our country, church, and of most families.

We need the Holy Spirit to teach us God’s Word, but we have to open the Book, first.

I love God’s Word.

I didn’t necessarily set out to become a Bible teacher. One of my pet peeves is when people take scripture out of context to fit their worldview. It’s not even about memorization; it’s about living and breathing God’s letter to you.

I love getting the mail to see what’s there for me.  I am seriously like a child when I get a package. If someone else in my family gets a package, I want to know what’s in it.

Whenever I get a real card or letter in the mail—not an email or e-card, but the real paper kind—I love to read and reread it. Someone took the time to sit down and write these words for me. I leave it on my table and pick it up a couple of times a day for about a week just to read it again.

That’s how I see the Scriptures.

God spent many years through many of His obedient followers to write me His eternal Words. Words to comfort me, teach me, love me, and save me.

There are Words that show me what I cannot see with my eyes—His Son.
Many people have died to print these Words, take them to other countries, and teach them. We have it so good.

How many Bibles do you have in your house? How many do you read?

 God doesn’t love us any less for not being in His Word. But, He wrote it for you. Ask Him to reveal Himself through the pages of His Word. He will do it!

 Go to Bible studies; get the Book, not an electronic version. Take notes, write in the margins, and highlight the verses you love.

Wear. Your. Bible. OUT! That’s why He gave it to us.

Pray, too. A lot.

This is not condemnation.

I hope this encourages you and sparks a new interest in God’s Word. If you have questions ask me. I will do my best to give you an answer. If I don’t know it, I will find someone who does.

Thanks for listening! I promise I will not follow you around. 🙂

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work. 

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

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